Pink Traditional Brick Facade
The Pink Traditional Brick Facade is a type of traditional brick facade that is produced in a pink color due to controlled heating.Traditional bricks became prevalent in Iran during the time of the Kazakhs. They are made using completely traditional methods and have been in use for thousands of years.The dimensions of traditional facade bricks are primarily 10 * 20 cm, with a thickness of 5.5 and 4.5 cm. The floor bricks measure 20 * 20 cm and 25 * 25 cm. It is worth mentioning that this type of brick was mostly used in old Tehran for construction.
Dimensions of Pink Traditional Brick Facade:
For more information, feel free to check out our Traditional Facing Brick
Pink Traditional Brick Facade of Pars Brick Company
The Pink Traditional Brick Facade from Pars Brick Company is one of the most commonly used materials in construction. Historically and currently, this brick is utilized not only in the walls and facades of buildings but also in the structural framework, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the buildings.The pink traditional brick is the most modern type of earthen brick and has been produced for thousands of years. Today, it is still made using traditional methods in brick kilns, which gives it a unique beauty and authenticity.The earthen brick, referred to by the names Kazakh Brick and Traditional Brick, has been used in Iran for walls and facades since ancient times, holding a special place in urban facades. Anyone who sees this type of facade experiences a sense of pleasure and warmth.Bricks have been used in the construction industry in Iran from ancient times to the present. They are utilized for interior facades, exterior facades, flooring, stairs, and more.
For more information, feel free to check out our yellow traditional brick facade
Features of Pars Brick
Pars Brick has many features and is currently one of the most widely used materials in construction, adding a unique beauty to buildings.Using traditional earthen bricks as the main facade brick or as paving stones not only creates a traditional, beautiful, warm, and vintage environment but also allows you to relive cherished memories of the past. Many engineers and clients prefer to purchase traditional earthen bricks in larger sizes and then divide them into smaller dimensions to reduce their brick purchasing costs.To enhance the quality of the Kazakh Brick Facade, Pars Brick Company utilizes the best clay mines in Tehran province. By grinding the clay, they improve the quality and density (compactness) of the bricks, making them one of the best manufacturers of earthen brick facades, Kazakh Brick, or Traditional Brick.
For more information, feel free to check out our Traditional red brick facade